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Jaferzadeh K, Rappaz B, Kim Y, Kim B-K, Moon I, Marquet P, et al... Automated Dual-Mode Cell Monitoring To Simultaneously Explore Calcium Dynamics and Contraction-Relaxation Kinetics within Drug-Treated Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes. ACS Sens. 2023;8(7):2533-2542. PubMed DOI Google Scholar BibTeX EndNote XML RIS

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Moulin F, Gholam M, Strippoli M-PF, Castelao E, Merikangas KR, Stapp EK, et al.. Environmental factors in offspring of parents with mood disorders and their role in parent-child transmission: findings from a 14-year prospective high-risk study. Int J Bipolar Disord. 2022;10(1):11. PubMed DOI Google Scholar BibTeX EndNote XML RIS

Bélanger E, BenAdiba C, Rioux-Pellerin E, Becq F, Jourdain P, Marquet P. Engineered fluidic device to achieve multiplexed monitoring of cell cultures with digital holographic microscopy. Opt Express 2022 Jan 3;30(1):414-426. doi: 10.1364/OE.444701.

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Larivière-Loiselle C, Bélanger E, Marquet P. Polychromatic digital holographic microscopy: a quasicoherent-noise-free imaging technique to explore the connectivity of living neuronal networks. Neurophotonics. 2020;7(4):040501. PubMed DOI Google Scholar BibTeX EndNote XML RIS

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Bélanger E, Lévesque SA, Rioux-Pellerin É, Lavergne P, Marquet P. Measuring Absolute Cell Volume Using Quantitative-Phase Digital Holographic Microscopy and a Low-Cost, Open-Source, and 3D-Printed Flow Chamber. Frontiers in Physics [Internet]. 2019;7:172. Google Scholar BibTeX EndNote XML RIS

Jourdain P, Rothenfusser KBenAdiba C, Allaman IMarquet P, Magistretti P J.Dual action of L-Lactate on the activity of NR2B-containing NMDA receptors: from potentiation to neuroprotection. Sci Rep. 2018 Sep 7;8(1):13472. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-31534-y.


Lévesque SA, Mugnes J-M, Bélanger E, Marquet P. Sample and substrate preparation for exploring living neurons in culture with quantitative-phase imaging. Methods. 2018;136:90-107. PubMed DOI Google Scholar BibTeX EndNote XML RIS

Vandeleur CL, Strippoli M-PF, Castelao E, Gholam-Rezaee M, Ferrero F, Marquet P, et al.. The Lausanne-Geneva cohort study of offspring of parents with mood disorders: methodology, findings, current sample characteristics, and perspectives. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2017;. PubMed DOI Google Scholar BibTeX EndNote XML RIS

Kolly S, Despland J-N, de Roten Y, Marquet P, Kramer U. Therapist Adherence to Good Psychiatric Practice in a Short-Term Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2016;204(7):489-93. PubMed DOI Google Scholar BibTeX EndNote XML RIS

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